
The Magic of an Idea: Why Donors Give Big

Fundraising is more than just asking for money—it’s about inspiring action. As we continue our journey through the 14 Steps of Successful Mega Gift Fundraising, we arrive at a critical juncture: understanding the magic behind why donors give.

As legendary fundraiser Jerold Panas aptly put it, “Donors give to the magic of an idea.” This concept is at the heart of successful fundraising. It’s not just about presenting a plan; it’s about presenting a vision so compelling that it moves donors to invest in a transformative cause.

Step #11: The Power of the Office Visit

Imagine inviting your donor, their family, and their advisors to your office for a full day dedicated to co-creating a strategy to tackle a significant problem. The office visit is more than just a meeting; it’s an immersive experience that allows for deep engagement and emotional connection.

Why an Office Visit?

  • Quality Time: Hosting the meeting in your office, away from the usual distractions, allows for uninterrupted time with all the key decision-makers present. It’s an opportunity to dive deep into the strategy and plan, creating genuine engagement.
  • A Memorable Experience: Your office is a space you control, allowing you to create an environment that makes the donor feel welcomed, comfortable, important, and understood.

Creating a Powerful Experience:

  • First Impressions Matter: The experience starts the moment the donor arrives. Think about how you can use sights, sounds, and other sensory elements to make the donor feel the magic of what they are about to co-create.
  • Use of Sound: Just as college football programs use the roar of a stadium to recruit top players, you can use sound to set the tone. Perhaps play music associated with your organization or something that evokes the grandeur of the mission at hand.
  • Visual Storytelling: Transform your office space into a gallery that showcases the impact the donor has already made. Use videos, museum-style installations, and other visual aids to remind them of the lives they’ve touched and the potential to do even more.

Crafting the Agenda:

  • Prioritize the Donor’s Vision: The agenda should reflect the donor’s priorities. Start by signaling that the day is organized around making their wildest ambitions a reality. This reinforces the idea that their involvement is not just valued but is central to the mission.
  • Engage the Whole Family: Involve the donor’s family in the visit. This not only connects them to the donor’s values but also allows you to celebrate the donor’s past contributions in front of their loved ones. It’s a powerful way to reinforce the legacy they are building.


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