
You’ve Made the Ask – Now Answer, “Why Now?”

When you ask a prospective supporter for a contribution, one of the most common and reasonable questions you might face is, “Why now?” Tom Ahern, a leading expert in fundraising communications, suggests that a powerful response to this question might be, “If we don’t do it now, bad things will continue to happen.”

This approach, which Ahern calls “selling the threat,” can be incredibly effective, especially with the right audience. It taps into a fundamental aspect of human nature: the desire to avoid negative outcomes. But it’s not enough to simply highlight a threat – you need to connect it directly to the solution you’re offering.

The Problem-Solution Framework

As we’ve discussed in previous posts, the first step in successful fundraising is identifying the problem you’re trying to solve. This isn’t just about stating an issue; it’s about framing it in a way that resonates emotionally with your audience:

  • Is the threat or problem clear?
  • Are the consequences of the problem easily understood?
  • Does the problem seem credible and relevant to our lives today?
  • Is it immediate? Does there seem to be a real sense of urgency?

These are the questions that will help you refine your message and ensure that it hits home.

What’s Your Fight?

As Tom Ahern also notes, effective fundraising often revolves around the concept of “getting people into the fight.” When you frame your cause as a fight against a specific problem – be it hunger, disease, or injustice – you invite your supporters to join you in a battle they believe in.

This approach has several benefits:

  • It attracts like-minded people who are passionate about the cause.
  • It creates a sense of unity and direction, guiding everyone toward a common goal.
  • It promises drama and conflict, which are essential elements in storytelling and fundraising.
  • It implies a chance of victory, giving supporters hope that their contributions will lead to a positive outcome.

So, ask yourself, What’s your fight? What problem are you tackling, and why should others join you?

Differentiation: Why You?

Even if you’ve clearly defined the problem and proposed a credible solution, there’s still another question you need to answer: Why should donors support your organization over others?

This is where differentiation comes into play. Richard Viguerie’s Four Horsemen of Marketing – positioning, differentiation, benefit, and brand – are crucial here. When you present your solution, you need to make it clear how you stand out from the crowd. Are you the only organization addressing this particular problem? If not, how are you doing it better, faster, or more effectively?

Your ability to differentiate your organization and make it the go-to solution for this specific problem will determine your success in attracting and retaining donors.

What’s Next?

Once you’ve identified the problem and crafted a compelling solution, the next step is to frame your solution in a way that motivates action. How can you convince potential supporters that your approach is not only the best but also urgent and necessary?


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