Did You Get the Order? The Importance of Results in Fundraising

In fundraising, activity alone is not enough. It doesn’t matter if you had a great donor meeting or an impressive event—what matters is whether you got the commitment. As my mentor, Dino Cortopassi, a highly successful agribusinessman, would ask, “Did you get the order?”

The lesson here is that all of our efforts—whether it’s a meeting with a potential donor, a marketing campaign, or a new initiative—should lead to a clear result. That result, in fundraising, is a contribution or a commitment. Activity without results is like running a race without a finish line.

Marketing: What Works vs. What We Think Works

A friend of mine learned this lesson the hard way when he launched a financial services company. His initial approach was a beautifully designed, visually stunning ad with clever phrasing. He was proud of it, and it looked like an award-winning ad—except it didn’t produce results. Only a handful of people responded.

When he asked for advice, I pointed him to the counter-intuitive approach that David Ogilvy, the father of advertising, advocated for: long copy that told a compelling story. My friend reluctantly followed the advice and placed a text-heavy ad that focused on the benefits of his product. The result? It generated 200 times more responses than the first ad.

This story highlights a key point: we often have biases about what we think will work. Beautiful design and clever phrasing might win awards, but they don’t always sell. What matters is how well your message resonates with your target audience and drives them to take action.

Lessons for Fundraising

In fundraising, we can fall into similar traps. We may focus on creating impressive events or crafting elegant messages, but if we don’t make the ask, or if the message doesn’t lead to action, it’s all for naught.

Here are a few takeaways:

  • Focus on the ask: Did you clearly communicate what you want from the donor? Did you make it easy for them to respond?
  • Tell a compelling story: People respond to stories that pull them in and show them how they can make a difference.
  • Measure results, not activity: It’s not about how many meetings you had or how many people attended your event; it’s about how many commitments you received.

Overcoming Bias

As Jeff Brooks, author of The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communications, points out, donor focus groups often reject the very messages that work best. Why? Because conscious judgments about what appeals to us don’t always reflect what actually drives action. The key is to test your messaging and focus on what works in practice, even if it defies conventional wisdom.

Ready to 10x Your Results?

By focusing on what truly works—compelling, benefit-driven communication and clear asks—you can dramatically increase your results. You may not need the “artsy” designs or clever wording, but you will need a message that speaks directly to your audience’s interests and motivates them to take action.

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