Embracing Innovation: How ConnectedTV Can Transform Your Fundraising

On a pivotal day in 1976, Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign, on the brink of running out of funds, took a bold gamble. With the last of its resources, the campaign purchased 30 minutes of television airtime to broadcast a direct appeal to the American people. Reagan’s message, centered on restoring America, wasn’t just a rallying cry for political action—it was also a call for financial support.

The results were remarkable. Donations flooded in, saving the campaign and propelling it forward to the Republican National Convention. This is a powerful reminder of how television, even decades ago, proved to be a highly effective tool for fundraising.

But what about today? Could television still be a fundraising vehicle for you and me?

Absolutely—thanks to ConnectedTV.

The Modern Power of ConnectedTV for Fundraisers

ConnectedTV, the modern evolution of television advertising, offers nonprofit organizations new opportunities to reach potential donors with targeted, compelling messages. Tim Kachuriak and his team at NextAfter have been leading the charge in experimenting with ConnectedTV for nonprofit fundraising, and the results so far are incredibly promising.

In their initial experiments, ConnectedTV far outperformed traditional TV advertising in one key area—cost-per-acquisition. It was less than half the cost of traditional TV ads. This alone demonstrates the platform’s potential to be both effective and budget-friendly.

But there’s more.

Maximizing Impact with Frequency Capping

With traditional TV ad buys, it’s hard to control how often individuals see your ads. ConnectedTV changes the game with frequency capping, which allows you to control the number of times someone sees your content. This makes your ad spend more efficient, stretching your budget further and enabling you to reach a larger audience.

In one test, frequency capping saved over $300,000, which was reinvested into reaching an additional 160,000 households. That’s an incredible return on investment!

ConnectedTV for Donor Retention

Beyond acquisition, ConnectedTV can also be a powerful tool for donor retention. Current experiments are focused on using targeted ads to maintain engagement with existing donors. Even a small improvement in donor retention can translate into millions of dollars in future donations.

Experimenting with Non-Traditional Creative

Another benefit of ConnectedTV is the ability to move beyond traditional ad lengths. Instead of being locked into 15- or 30-second spots, you can experiment with longer formats, like 4- or 5-minute “mini-infomercials.” This longer format allows for deeper storytelling and the opportunity to create stronger emotional connections, which can drive recurring contributions.

Innovation and Testing: The Key to Going Big!

At the heart of NextAfter’s mission is innovation through testing. They’ve created a research lab that rigorously examines digital fundraising techniques, testing everything from email subject lines to donation landing pages. This approach is helping nonprofits understand what drives donor behavior and what strategies are most effective in today’s digital world.

Their work with ConnectedTV is just the latest iteration of this relentless pursuit of what works best in fundraising.

Take the Leap: Go Big with ConnectedTV

The lesson here is clear—innovation is essential for growth. ConnectedTV provides a platform where nonprofits can reach their audience with precision, reduce costs, and improve both donor acquisition and retention. It’s time to embrace this new tool and see how it can help your organization Go Big!

If you’re serious about taking your fundraising to the next level, now’s the time to start experimenting with these cutting-edge strategies. With the right testing, ConnectedTV could be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for.

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TenX Strategies are rooted in a commitment to helping others, shaped by decades of mentorship from leaders who emphasized the importance of consistency, integrity, and transformational growth. These values now guide our approach to empowering nonprofit organizations

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