Should You Become a Purple Cow? Standing Out in a Crowded Market

In today’s fast-paced, cluttered world, the one sure way to fail is to blend in and be boring. If you want to succeed, you need to be remarkable. Seth Godin, the author of Purple Cow, puts it simply: “In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing.”

Being remarkable doesn’t just mean standing out—it means creating something so unique that it becomes unforgettable. So, should you just wear something red? Not quite. While that might be a start, if everyone else is doing the same, it’s not going to make a difference.

This is where the “Four Horsemen of Marketing” come into play: Positioning, Differentiation, Benefit (USP), and Brand. These are the pillars that can help you thrive in a crowded marketplace.

Positioning is about finding the hole in the market that you can fill. It’s not just about being better than everyone else—it’s about doing something that no one else is doing.

Differentiation, the second horseman, is how you visually and publicly communicate your unique position. This is where you start to become the Purple Cow. Does your website, newsletter, or fundraising letters immediately show how you’re different? Do they make you stand out, or do they blend in with everyone else’s?

Benefit is the value you offer. What makes you better than the alternatives? Your Purple Cow needs to be front and center in every interaction you have with your audience.

Being remarkable is not easy, but it’s essential. Whether you’re working for a nonprofit or building a brand, the challenge is clear: How will you stand out and be remembered?

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