Understanding the “Why” in Mega Gift Fundraising

In the world of fundraising, asking for a mega gift is both an art and a science. It requires careful planning, deep understanding, and, most importantly, a readiness to truly dig into the “Why” behind your donor’s response. Whether the answer is “Yes,” “No,” or “Maybe So,” your ability to uncover the underlying reasons can make all the difference in building a lasting, impactful partnership.

Step #8: What to Do When the Donor Says “No”

Let’s face it—getting a “No” is never easy. But it’s important to remember that a “No” isn’t the end; it’s an opportunity. The first step is to express gratitude. Thank your donor for their honesty and for not wasting anyone’s time with a proposal that wasn’t a fit.

Next, dig deeper. As the late, great Bill Sturtevant advised, ask the donor: “Is it the project, the amount, or the timing?” These three areas cover most reasons a donor might decline. By understanding the specifics, you can address concerns or pivot to a different approach that better aligns with their priorities.

Here are some probing questions you might ask:

  • “Is this a timing issue? Would you prefer to revisit this in a few months?”
  • “Are there other problems you’re more passionate about addressing right now?”
  • “Is there a smaller piece of this problem that we could tackle first?”

By leaning into the donor’s passion, you can uncover new avenues for collaboration and ensure that their interests are at the heart of your strategy.

Step #9: What to Do When the Donor Says “Maybe So”

A “Maybe So” is a sign of interest, but it also signals hesitation. Your goal is to understand the reasons behind their uncertainty and work to overcome any objections.

Start by asking:

  • “What excites you about addressing this issue?”
  • “What concerns do you have about moving forward?”

These questions can help you identify areas where the donor feels confident and areas where they need more assurance. From there, you can suggest small, easy steps that build trust and demonstrate your commitment to their goals. For example, propose collaborating on a vision statement that encapsulates what they want to achieve. This not only provides clarity but also ensures that everyone involved is aligned with the donor’s intentions.

Step #10: What to Do When the Donor Says “Yes”

A “Yes” is what we all hope for, but it’s important not to rush into next steps without fully understanding the “Why” behind it. Take a moment to celebrate this decision—it’s a significant step towards creating real impact.

Ask the donor:

  • “What makes you excited about moving forward?”
  • “How would you like to proceed from here?”

By clarifying their motivations, you can ensure that the next steps align with their expectations and that you’re both on the same page. This is also the time to start co-creating the plan, setting expectations, and outlining the specific steps you’ll take together.

The Importance of Understanding the “Why”

No matter the response, your ability to dig into the “Why” behind a donor’s answer is crucial. It’s this understanding that allows you to build a strong, lasting partnership and to craft a proposal that truly resonates with their values and aspirations.


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